Best Practices
June 20, 2011
Determining Elevations with GNSS
Session 1 - Coastal Issues Facing Southeast Coastal Louisiana What to Do? (Tim Osborn, NOAA)

Session 2 - Subsidence in the Gulf Coast (Dr. R. Dokka, LSU)

Session 3 - Vertical geodetic control in southern Louisiana: Providing the National Spatial Reference System in dynamic regions, (Ms. R. Shields, NGS)

Session 4 - Introduction to GNSS (Mr. C. Mugnier, LSU)

Session 5 - Guidelines for establishing GPS-derived ellipsoid heights: NGS Technical Publication 58 (Mr. D. Zilkoski, Director-Emeritus, NGS)

Session 6 - Guidelines for establishing GPS-derived orthometric heights: NGS Technical Publication 59 (Mr. D. Zilkoski, Director-Emeritus, NGS)

Session 7 - Improvements to the Geoid model (Dr. G. Mader, NGS)

Session 8 - OPUS products (Dr. M. Schenewerk, NGS)

June 21, 2011
Real-time Kinematic Surveying and Best Practices
Session 1 - RTK best practices (Mr. W. Henning, NGS)

Session 2 - RTK Best practices (continued) (Mr. W. Henning, NGS)

Session 3 - Introduction to Real-time GNSS networks (Dr. R. Dokka, LSU)

Session 4 - NGS support for Real-time networks (Mr. W. Henning, NGS)

Session 5 - Informal insights from a panel of expert users and operators